Well I've been busy with my investment consultancy job and left the Solomolo Lantis (SL) to oblivion...
Now the RX-8 need a replacement engine with sohn adapter etc., and with the Suzuki Swift waiting for the engine to condemn, I've no choice but to fire up the SL once again.
After more than 2 years dormant at the car park outside of my apartment compound, I've decided to renew the insurance & road tax of the humble car. It took me quite sometimes to fired it again (more than a week), juggling my time with work, daughter & whateva...
The SL has a good engine but due to a long period of time without ever cranking up the engine, a family of roden rat had occupied the engine bay! So, it's a tough time for me to remember back what I did to the SL and to troubleshoot it.
I'm quite happy when I bought a brand new DIN55 Maintenance Free battery and the engine crank. But it has taken its toll as the sound of the engine was not well, like a few cylinders of the V6 won't fire up as normal. So, every night I warmed the engine patiently, for about a couple of weeks until the engine was back to normal idling & revving up to 7800-8000 rpm max. Thanks to the GM High Energy Ignition (HEI) module and an external coil, this thing happened.
After a day at the Puspakom (a private vehicle inspection service for RMV dept), I got my SL and felt happy and joy for the first time with her since 2014. But the happiness didn't last long though... She suddenly halted & the engine died abruptly. Lucky for me it wasn't on the highway or in the middle of the busy road. Just cruising back to my place at that time.
That was the time I felt like I didn't know anything about cars & engine. I felt blank in my mind. I got out and took a deep deep deep deep breath and think, what could possibly go wrong...
I suspected the HEI module giving me trouble. I crank it back with cadence style accelerator and it fired up again, till I arrived at the shop lot parking spot, and it died again... permanently.
And I decided again to rebuild the ignition module & coils
1 comment:
Salam bro.. lama betul tak update berita. Kalau ngko masih ingat, aku yang pakai lantis hitam yg kita sama2 buat bush tingkap. sampai sekarang leh guna lagi.. :)
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